How to Make Your Boyfriend Jealous Through WhatsApp Status

Nowadays communicating is easy. People do not have to wait longer if they want to get connected with people their love. One of well-known text application is WhatsApp Messenger. You can install it on your phone through Google Play Store or Apple App Store, and that makes it easier to be used.
How to make your boyfriend jealous through WhatsApp status
By using this application, you can also use its feature, such as chatting, making a phone or video call, sending a voice note or location and making a status. This new feature is used to have a status that can be seen by your friends in your contact list and your boyfriend too. But do you ever think on how to make your boyfriend jealous even through WhatsApp status only? Here are some explanation you can cheat for your boyfriend to get jealous.
1. Make some ambiguous statements
How to make your boyfriend jealous through WhatsApp status? Sometimes people will get curious with your statements with ambiguous meaning. It can represent anything and get thousand implied meaning inside that statement. You can play some words that can make him curious with your status. You do not need to give a name or tell directly that your status is dedicated to him, but you should use the object that makes your boyfriend knows it was him on your status. You may also find out about: What Does It Mean When You Dream about Your Crush Having A Boyfriend?
For example you can start showing what you want or what you craving like this: I’m craving for pizza, and thank you for someone who wants to buy me one. In here, you use “someone” who can buy you a pizza. Someone can be referred to anyone that wants to buy a pizza for you. Another statement that you can choose: If you are not with that person you care about, there will be another person who cares to you. He might think you have another person except him who cares to you and he would be jealous because someone else will get more attention from you than your boyfriend. You may also find out about: What Does It Mean When You Dream About Your Crush Being Your Boyfriend?
2. Put some quotes or proverbs
Words can speak louder. You can try to put some quotes or proverbs that you know to make him curious and jealous. Here are some examples that you can follow on how to make your boyfriend jealous through WhatsApp status:
“Never take people you love for granted. No matter how much they love you, they will get tired one day and leave you.”
“When a girl give up on you, she will leave and will not take a look behind.”
“Girls you’ve gotta know when it’s time to turn the page.” –Tori Amos
“You must make a decision that you are going to move on. It won’t happen automatically.” –Joel Osteen
“I know how beautiful I am. Thanks for some compliments that I receive today.”
Moreover you can also put a status that makes him think if someday he lost you in the future. He will get into deep thought and meditation for himself. You can find another quotes or proverbs that makes him jealous and asks you some question why you put such statements. If so then you succeed to make your boyfriend jealous. You may also find out about: How to Make a Libra Man Jealous On Facebook
3. Use a statement that makes him curious
Making your boyfriend curious and asking some questions through your WhatsApp status are the way he starts to get jealous. You can show your picture or statement that will attract him to ask.
For example if you are watching a movie with your friends or your siblings, you can take a picture with two movie tickets. He might probably ask who accompany you to watch that movie. Take some times to reply, and make him wait. He will think you go to the movie theater with someone else or another man instead of him. That’s how to make your boyfriend jealous through WhatsApp status! You may also find out about: How to Make Your Crush Jealous on Snapchat
4. Put your picture with a guy
This is one of an old trick but it will make your boyfriend die of jealousy. You will play with a fire a bit, but you can make him jealous effortlessly. You can put a picture when you hang out with your cousin. Maybe you can also check out your old photos with your relatives that live far away and never meet with your boyfriend.
After you choose a photo, you do not forget to type a caption “a date with him” or “thanks for tonight!” Otherwise you also can give your cousin a compliment, then your boyfriend might be curious and think you go on a date with someone else and cheat on him. He might be jealous and gets angry, but you can explain to him that the guy you hang out with is just your cousin or a relative. You may also find out about: Tips to Make Your Ex Jealous and Want You Back
5. Be confident with yourself
Maybe one day you have a date with him but he cancels it. Do not get upset or angry. You should take a small revenge to him and make him guilty with his decision. You can show your status if you are comfortable with your own self. You can enjoy your time alone, and pretending you do not need your boyfriend. You can show your activities through your WhatsApp status that you can do all the things without him.
Showing that you can laugh a lot, hang out with friends, having dinner, and enjoying your quality time with family. You can try to have a status: “Let’s get the party started!”, “Girls just want to have fun.”, “Candle light dinner and moonlight. Perfect!”, or “I do not want to wait in vain to have fun and party all night long.” By having those kind of WhatsApp status, your boyfriend will be curious and get jealous at you. He might think you are having fun without him and leaving him. So just be yourself and enjoy the world.
Those are some examples on how to make your boyfriend jealous to you through WhatsApp status. By making your boyfriend jealous, actually is not good. But jealousy is also one of important part to build your relationship and romance too. If your boyfriend is getting angry or upset, it is a time for you to make him calm and explain to him about your status. A boyfriend who is truly loving you, will understand and change himself to be a better man.
Categories: Love Tips Tags:jealous, love tips, whatsapp
Vincentia 2 days ago
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