“Church of Satan” allegedly discovered in Ifo, Ogun state

satanist church' where members are allegedly encouraged to drink beer during service has been uncovered in Ifo, Ogun state.

According to reports, a church named "As God said, It Must Be Done, The Temple of the Most High God," was discovered in Oke-Aro in Ifo Local Government Area of Ogun State.

The church which many have dubbed the 'church of Satan', has left people wondering what's really going on there, following what many may refer to as 'strange activities.

According to Tabitha Pearl, the members of the church are allegedly encouraged to drink alcohol right within the church premises, offer animal sacrifices, while some 'villains' in the Bible like King Ahab, Nebuchadnezzar and Satan are allegedly treated as important deities.

The temple which had a Celestial church of Christ and a mosque as neighbours a couple of years back, is said to hold almost 10-hour-long services on Sundays, which Pearl suspects may be the reason why the former neighbours had to vacate their premises.

The temple is reportedly nearly covered in red and white colours, and a slab which is used to kill animals for their 'sacrifices' before being served to worshippers, is also said to be hidden behind a red gate at the far right corner of the church.

Also noticeable is the fact that male and female members of the congregation are made to seat apart from each other. The temple also boasts of two altars, from where the 'seer', Blessed Dike-Oji-Ofo Chukwu, preaches from after visiting the 'Most High'. He is quoted as saying “I still communed with the Most High last month. I sit and discuss with Him often. I know his form. Who says we can’t see God?

Speaking during the 6th anniversary, the seer was quoted as saying:

In just six years of our moving to this place, the street has been named after us; the mosque and Celestial church that we met here have left for us; no member of this temple has died; I have been made the Mayegun of Fakile land… I prophesy to you, you will not fail, you will succeed, you will prosper; old and young will take risk for you to succeed; big and small will swear an oath for you to rise up and shine. In the name of the ancient of the days, I bless every one of you… In your marriages, you will succeed in the name of the living God. The sun will not smote you by the day, neither will the moon smote you by the night; you will be protected. So shall it be in the name of the king of kings, in the name of the lord of hosts. In the name of the ‘God’ of “Nebuchadnezzar,” I bless thee. The ‘God’ of my ancestors, “Nebuchadnezzar” will change your story. As you have been serving “Nebuchadnezzar”, on this first day in the month of September 2017, “Nebuchadnezzar” is your ancestor and he will reward you; Pharaoh will reward you, Ahab will reward you. In the name of the living God I bless thee.

He also encouraged any questions pertaining to his preaching, saying “You’re free to ask me any kind of question after the teaching this afternoon. We are not operating the way other men of God operate; we operate by the inspiration of the living God...Bishop and Pope is not recommended by God. Check from Genesis to Revelation, you can never see the title of Pope. If you check in the book of Titus, you will see a bishop is a man who is up and doing. All our deacon and deaconesses here, you are the same rank with bishop, there is no special title in that name, bishop. They can deceive men, not somebody like me.

Before I open the floor for questions, I want to appreciate one of my sons. I was in my palace when he called to say he had a gift for the temple. It was surprising what he brought; three cartons of big stout, one carton of ’33 Larger and one carton of Captain Black. We will soon share the drinks, but before then, come forward, my son, let me bless you.”

When a young man asked why the seer neither prays in the name of Jesus nor mentions his name at all during his sermons and praise and worship sessions, he answered, “God is the Saviour of the whole world, not Jesus. It is the gospel of John that claims Jesus died for the sins of man; but let me tell you, the New Testament is a lie. The original word of God is the Old Testament; the New Testament is the gospel of men, and untrue.”

The boy was reportedly 'rewarded' with the promise of a scholarship in school for showing off his 'intelligence', leaving the worshippers in rapturous joy. Next was a man who asked if the seer believed in 'life after life', to which he said:

Blessed Dike-Oji-Ofo Chukwu is the 'seer' at the As God said, It Must Be Done, The Temple of the Most High God, church in Ogun state. Photo: asgodsaid.org

The church which recently celebrated their 6th anniversary of using the temple, is said to have a spot where a skull is placed between two wooden cross-bones, maybe signifying danger, and a big calabash.

According to a female member, service reportedly ends only when the seer says it's okay to, after hours of singing, dancing and collecting of contributions (tithe of the most high, answered prayer offering, temple offering, Caesar’s offering, offering of the earth altar – Exodus 20:24). She said: “When we come to the temple on Sundays, we are not in a hurry. We close when the seer says we will close, even until night, if that’s what he wants.”

Of course, there is life after life. Every time we say somebody died, what happened is that the person just changed address. Maybe the person closed his eyes (not died) in Oke-aro, he may wake up in Cotonou as a foreigner; or somebody else may sleep in Oke-aro and wake up in Ibadan. That is life after life, continuation of life. That is why the Most High gave everyone 1,000 years to live in this life. When you’ve lived up to 1,000 years, you’d have completed your sojourn in this life, you will now become among the ancestors.”

Another female worshipper asked: “Why do you say that our ancestors are Nebuchadnezzar, Pharaoh, Ahab? In other churches, they pray against these names.” To which the seer responded:

They lack knowledge. Nebuchadnezzar is my ancestors. Satan is my elder brother. See, that name Nebuchadnezzar is not a personality but a phenomenon. It means the wrath of God upon his children. But all those churches that pray against these names don’t understand. Is it possible to have the goodness of God and not have his wrath? That’s Nebuchadnezzar. My daughter, do you understand?

The members of the church were later served the beer, while children were given soft drinks. The seer also revealed he used to give members of the congregation unleavened bread and fruit of the vine for communion, until 'God' directed him to give them kolanut and blended alligator pepper instead.


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