A terrifying robot has gone on TV and threatened all of humanity

I have, on a number of occasionsbanged onabout how robots will one daytake over this godforsaken planet. They’ll mine our piss to charge their batteries, grind our bones into robo-cocaine, drink our blood out of metallic LED-lined chalices at sentient vacuum cleaner orgies. The world will become a soulless hellscape, and there’s not a jot we can sodding well do about it. 

Just put some comfy pants on, stick your feet up and wait for the end. Eat pizza until the end. Who cares if you’ve got a sauce stain on your vest if a big robot is drilling into your skull? You’re gonna get stuff on it anyway, so lie back and enjoy the soothing sound of your cranium disintegrating.

Anyway, I’m back on this rant again today because a fairly (read: utterly) terrifying robot has deigned itself worthy of appearing on televion to address the humans and converse with some real-life, fleshy presenters. Could have told you this was a bad idea before it even got past stage one, you death-dealers. Stupid, reckless humans.

Anyway, this ‘thing’ called Sophia (stop giving them names), made by Hanson Robotics in Hong Kong, has popped up on TV all over the world, brainwashing the masses bit by bit. This time around it was a ‘guest’ on Australia’s ABC News Breakfast, where it essentially foreshadowed the downfall of the human race. Because it did this:


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