26 Home Remedies to Increase Breast Size

26 Home Remedies to Increase Breast Size

Large breasts not only symbolize the femininity of a woman but are also associated with their self-esteem and confidence. It is believed that a major segment of men like women with larger breasts and this thought makes many women desire to have larger breasts. Unfortunately, fuller or larger breast is just a dream for many, so they seek for both unnatural and natural breast enhancement methods.

It is ideal for you to know the reasons why your breasts are either small or in an irregular shape so that you can choose the right remedy. The first reason behind smaller breast is poor diet. If you have hormonal imbalance with lesser estrogen production in your body, then your breast size will also be small. For a few women, small breast is a genetic disorder which they can alter with proper exercise. Low fat content, usage of weight loss pills, emotional problems and irregular periods can also be the reason behind smaller breasts. If you are trying hard to naturally boost the growth of your breast, yet it does not happen, do not worry about it because stress can also cease the growth of your breasts and steal away that attractive charm beauty from your body.

Many women spend a colossal amount of money and time on breast enhancement pills, chemicals, and treatment; all this does not work as effectively as natural breast enhancement methods. If you are looking for some valid information on how to increase breast size naturally then the following points will be useful for you.

Here are some ways through which you can enhance the size of your breasts.

Exercises to Increase Breast Size

Exercise not only increases the size of your breasts but also keeps you healthy and stronger to carry out everyday work with utmost energy. While doing workout, focus on exercises that add more strength to your pectoral muscles (the muscles situated at the chest). The following exercises add firmness to the muscles so that early sagging is avoided.

1. Chest Press

Do chest press. Lie on your back with knees bent. Your feet should be flat on the floor. Hold dumbbell in each hand. Push up the dumbbells in such a way that your palms are up and arms over your shoulders. Tilt your chin in the direction of the chest, pulling your abdominals in. Lower down the dumbbells slightly towards the side so that your elbows are beneath your shoulders. Move your shoulder blades back and down. Doing three sets of 15 reps regularly add more firmness to the pectoral muscles.

2. Push-ups

Do at least three sets of push-ups in a week with at least 15 reps to get the desirable results.

3. Wall Press

Put your arms on the wall and push them against it. Don’t bend your arms. Repeat this exercise at least 5 times regularly.

4. Chair Lift

Start with backing up on a stable chair and now keep your feet slightly in front of your knees and now bend with your arms resting on the chair’s armrest. Now lower your torso and slowly lift your back. Repeat it 10 times a day regularly.

Diet to Increase Breast Size

5. Fat

The size of a woman’s breast is determined by the fat content in her body. So, try to add monounsaturated fats in your food, but ensure you don’t over indulge in fatty food items.

6. Foods Stimulating the Estrogen Production

Apart from fatty food substances, diet that enhances estrogen production can increase the growth of your breasts. Include garlic, pumpkin, split beans, soy, red beans, squash and eggplant in your meals. Also eat peas, oats, carrots, beets, apples, papaya, dates, cherries, and pomegranates.

7. Radish

Radish can improve the blood flow to the local tissues around the breast. Eating them regularly can increase breast size naturally since radish has rich astringent properties in it.

8. Bananas

Banana is a natural muscle relaxant, and it is also rich in magnesium and potassium. The nutrients and minerals in bananas can increase breast size in women naturally. However, try to eat fibrous ripe bananas instead of eating fleshy bananas.

9. Homemade Smoothie

Grind ½ tablespoon of flaxseed powder, ½ cup of low-fat and plain yogurt, 1 peeled and sliced kiwi fruit, ½ peeled and sliced cucumber, 1 peeled and sliced orange, 1 cup of grapefruit and 3-4 strawberries in a blender. Drink it every day. Smoothies help increase the muscle density around waist, breast and thighs area.

10. Dairy Products

Including fat-rich dairy products also helps in increasing the breast size. Therefore, make milk, cheese, butter, cottage cheese and yogurt a part of your daily diet.

Herbal Remedies to Enhance Breast Size

11. Wild Yam

Yam is affluent in phytonutrients which helps increase the estrogen production, and enhance the size of your breasts.

12. Fennel Seeds

Fennel is a spice that increases the flavor of your food. Include a little bit of fennel in your morning salad to increase the size of your breasts.

13. Fenugreek

This herb is a natural body coolant that decelerates the fat reduction process near your breast area, so your breasts remain bigger and firm. It also has a substance called as diosgenin, which encourages the growth of breast tissue in women.

14. Red Clover

Red clover has estrogen boosting nutrients, namely phytoestrogens, which stimulate the breast growth in women. Take 2-3 red clover flowers and boil them. Now strain the water and drink it every day to get better results.

15. Dandelion Root

Drink dandelion root tea daily, and you will notice the results within a shorter span of time. Dandelion tea should be prepared without adding sugar or milk so that it does not increase fat content in your body.

16. Pueraria Mirifica

This is a plant extract that has natural properties to improve the skin tone and hair growth in women. It also assists breast development.

17. Saw Palmetto

Besides curing urinary infections, saw palmetto, also aids in improving breast size. Consume this herb regularly.

18. Wheat Germ Oil

Apply wheat germ oil around your breast and gently massage for 15 minutes. This increases blood flow in the breast area and also promotes tissue growth.

19. Marshmallow Root

Marshmallow root is an effective herbal cure for increasing breast size in women.

20. Watercress Leaf

Watercress leaf is rich in vitamin E, which is an essential vitamin to develop breasts in women. Add watercress leaves to boiling water. Strain the water and drink it.

21. Blessed Thistle

Blessed thistle increases the size of breasts by triggering the estrogen production. This herb also increases the blood flow around the breast area to increase tissue growth.

22. Dong Quai

Dong quai is a natural herb that regulates the estrogen production in women which helps increase the breast size in a natural manner. For those who do not have fuller breast size due to hormonal imbalance, this herb can improve breast growth by regulating the hormonal imbalance.

23. Oils and Masks for Breast Enhancement

Massage increases the growth of breast tissues and makes them fuller. Massage augments the blood flow to your breast area. It also makes the breast ready to receive all the nutrients from your food to increase its size fast.

24. Olive Oil

Make use of olive oil to massage your breasts. Massage in a clockwise direction for 10 minutes and then in anti-clockwise direction for another 10 minutes.

25. Honey

You can apply raw honey on your breast area, or you can mix it with warm olive oil to massage gently to increase your breast growth.

26. Onion Mask

Onion is a great breast enhancement readily available in your kitchen. Mix onion juice with honey and turmeric and apply the mask on your breast every day to see the visible results. When you apply this mask, avoid wearing tight innerwear that blocks air circulation.

27. Sesame Oil

For firming the breast muscles and enlarging the breasts – sesame oil can be used. This is indeed an ancient practice. Women can massage around their breast with warm sesame oil to speed up breast development.


Wear lingerie that makes your breast look fuller and bigger. Try wearing push up lingerie that can not only make your breast look enhanced but can also keep them firm with adequate support.
Eat chicken and nuts regularly as it increases your breast size, but combine your diet with regular exercise to avoid excessive fat buildup.

While trying hard to increase breast size, completely avoid sugary drinks, caffeine, and chocolates, since the caffeine can reduce the production of estrogen in your body.
Do not use weight loss pills to lose weight faster. These pills are capable of affecting your breast size and sometimes, weight loss pills can totally cease the breast development in women.
Avoid wearing tight inner garments that can disturb airflow in your skin causing notable discrepancies in breast growth. Remove your inner garments while sleeping.


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